Some useful Ubuntu 18.04 apps


Bookworm reader view

One thing I really like on MacOS is the Books app UI. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find anything as nice for Linux but Bookworm is very close.

It does have a few issues: lacks an option to add margins to the top and bottom, doesn’t have an option to increase the space between paragraphs and it lacks a max page width option. It also shows chapters instead of splitting the ebook into pages.

Despite those issues, Bookworm is a really nice ebook reader!

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bookworm-team/bookworm
sudo apt install bookworm



Ghostwriter is minimal Markdown editor similar iA Writer & FocusWriter. The live preview isn’t as fast as other Markdown editors but Ghostwriter focuses more on writing than previewing so not a big issue.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wereturtle/ppa
sudo apt install Ghostwriter



KeePassXC is a cross-platform password manager. It’s a fork of KeePassX with lots of extra features and bug fixes and it’s available from the Ubuntu repository!

sudo apt install keepassxc
